Final Exam Information Spring 2023
Graduation and Commencement Information for Spring 2023
Important Dates to Remember
Final Exam Information Spring 2023
The final exam schedule is based on regularly scheduled class meeting times. All course syllabi must include the scheduled date and time for final exams.
• Hybrid courses’ final exam times will correlate to the class’s on-campus meetings.
• Distance Education option (synchronous) courses’ final exam times will correlate to scheduled class times.
• Fully Online (synchronous) courses’ final exam times will correlate to scheduled class times.
• Fully Online (asynchronous) classes— consult the course syllabus or instructor.
• Classes schedule at any time other than shown below — consult the course syllabus or instructor
Petitioning to Reschedule a Final Exam
• Students may make a petition to their major college dean to reschedule exams if the following circumstances occur: 1. A student has three or more exams scheduled on the same day or 2. A student has two exams scheduled at the same time.
• Students wishing to reschedule one or more final exams due to one of the reasons above must submit documentation of their schedule to the dean of their major.
• The petition must be approved no later than the last regular day of classes. The rescheduled exam must be administered during one of the provisional exam times as listed in the schedule below.
• Exams for on-campus courses have higher priority than online exams regardless of level.
• For all instances not covered above, the dean of the student’s major will consult with professors/instructors and decide which final should be rescheduled.
Final Grade Submission Deadlines
Grades for graduation candidates must be submitted via Banner Self-Service no later than 3 p.m., Wednesday, May 3. Graduation candidates must be allowed to reschedule their final exams prior to this deadline. Grades for all other students must be submitted via Banner Self-Service no later than 10 a.m., Monday, May 8.
Exam Time | Monday May 1 | Tuesday May 2 |
Wednesday May 3 |
Thursday May 4 | Friday May 5 |
8-10 a.m. | ENG 101, 102 | HIST 101, 102 | MWF 8 a.m. | TR 8 a.m. | Provisional exams |
10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | MWF 10 a.m. | MWF 9 a.m. | MWF 12 p.m. | TR 11 a.m. | Provisional exams |
1:30-3:30 p.m. | MW 2 p.m. | TR 9:30 a.m. | MWF 1 p.m. | TR 12:30 p.m. | Provisional exams |
4-6 p.m. | M 3:30 p.m. | TR 2 p.m. | MWF 11 a.m. | TR 3:30 p.m. | Provisional exams |
6:30-8:30 p.m. | M 4 p.m. or later | T 4 p.m. or later | W 4 p.m. or later | R 4 p.m. or later | Provisional exams |
Graduation and Commencement Information for Spring 2023
The University of Montevallo will hold the Commencement ceremony outside on Flowerhill Lawn on Saturday, May 6 at 9 a.m. We are proud to present the graduates of the Class of 2023, celebrate their accomplishments as students and officially induct them into our national alumni association.
Rehearsal for the ceremony will take place on Flowerhill Lawn on Friday, May 5 at 2 p.m. Rehearsal is not mandatory, but we encourage graduates to make every effort to attend as important information about transcripts and the ceremony will be provided. Rehearsal should last no more than 45 minutes.
There are no tickets needed for this ceremony. The ceremony should last about two hours.
Individuals needing disability-related accommodations during this event should contact Access and Compliance (205-665-6250, as early as possible. Efforts will be made to accommodate all access requests regardless of timing, but the University cannot guarantee that requests made with less than one week’s notice can be met.
The University of Montevallo Mass Communication program will livestream the ceremony and it will be available on UM’s Montevallo for You channel.
For more information about graduation requirements or commencement, please visit
Important Dates to Remember
April 12 Fall 2023 registration begins for currently enrolled seniors
April 14 Fall 2023 registration begins for currently enrolled juniors
April 18 Fall 2023 registration begins for currently enrolled sophomores
April 20 Fall 2023 registration begins for currently enrolled freshmen
April 27-28 Classes meet as scheduled; no exams or quizzes administered or other graded assignments due
May 1-5 Final exams
May 6 Spring Commencement – 9 a.m. on Flowerhill Lawn
May 8 Full Summer Term and May Term 2023 classes begin
May 26 May Term 2023 final exams
May 29 Memorial Day Holiday (University closed)
June 5 Summer I and Combined Term 2023 Classes begin
June 19 Juneteenth Holiday (University closed)
June 30 Summer I Term 2023 final exams
July 4 Independence Day Holiday (University closed)
July 10 Summer II 2023 classes begin
August 4 Full Summer Term, Combined Term and Summer II Term 2023 final exams
August 18 Move-In Day/Late Registration for Fall 2023
August 21 Fall 2023 classes begin